Friday, March 11, 2011

Sorry For Leaving my bloggie :D


I'm so sorry for leaving my blog for like a month..?
Dust here and there. LOL !


I guess you people knew about the earthquake and tsunami that happened at Japan?
It's really sad and it's the most powerful eathquake in Japan's history.
Watching CNN and BBC News on tv, all about the earthquake and tsunami.


It's been 7years since year 2004's tsunami, it's now visiting earth again.
The Earth is really sick now. Try to Recycle and Reduce using plastic and start using Recycle Bag (Green Bag).

I try to imagine myself in that kind of situation. It's really hard and i do not want to die.
All we can do now is pray for Japan. Hope God forgive what we've done to Earth.



Yes, I'm single now, again. I'm really tired and sick of all this breaking-up things.
Don't feel like in a relationship now.
Nobody knows how I feel, what I think.
And I'm sick of listening any lies and broken promise anymore.
I'm so stupid to forgive him for slapping me in the face.

SKIP ......

School day is better. Starting to concentrate on ADD MATHS.
Really need to work hard on my studies  especially SEJARAH.
SPM coming soon. Still can't figure out what to study at Taylor's.

Gonna have a tattoo soon, saving up my money.
So, for my tattoo, I am now selling i-fairy contact lenses and mini hair curler /straightener.
Interested can meet me in my Facebook.


ジャスミン (this my name in japanese, i wanna tattoo this)

That's all for now. I will update more tomorrow about tonight's steamboat.


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