Saturday, March 12, 2011

Seremban : Steamboat

Family Gathering at Seremban ( mom's house ). Reached there around 8.30pm. *damn hungry*
Saw my sis waiting at the door, and u know what's the 1st word that came out from her mouth?
"Hi, Bitch". WTF? _l_
All of them started the steamboat without me. Fine! Ate halfway then my aunt wants to go to Jusco, so what the heck, go la... I wanted to see Seremban's LALA Mui & LALA Zai.

Reached there, Seremban really don't change. Yucks to sense of fashion! XD
LOL. Saw some of my friends.
Then, called Sabrina to come over my house but she can't. So i went to her house. Her room is now bigger & more Japanese style. Nice (>__<)
And she went to Taiwan last year, she bought me a souvenir, she is truely my best friend!
She knows what i love and she bought Hello Kitty Chocolates !

See! Nice, right? so cutee!!!

Then, she accompanied me back home, she went in my room & took a noob picture ==

haha... Sorry Sabrina x)

Then, my aunt them is drunk.

Look what my aunt did to me?

Then, she showing off her new iPhone4 Gucci case

This is our food xD

Update more next time :D


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