Monday, January 31, 2011

Everything Ends Like Usual. ♥

I knew this would happen.
it's always the same thing going round & round.

When we'll be mature enough not to say break everytime we fight?
Why can't you just think of another way than just saying break?

You did not say a single Sorry & left me.
You said this time is for real.

I threw my self-respect to say i'm sorry to you.
But it was a waste.

You said you will bring me to Melaka, Singapore on holidays.
You said you will buy a Hello Kitty doll to put in your car so that everytime i get to hug it.

You said all these, but now?
i know i'm stupid enough to believe it , but i believe because ILY ! ♥

All our memories, you just threw it away.
You said don't mention the past.
But the past is our memories.
How can you just threw 1year6months memories just like that?

1 day 2calls enough.
and that is 1 goodmorning call & 1 goodnight call.

Excuse me, i don't know what LOVE is this.

But, i'm glad now all ends well.

Anyway, thank you for the bag & 2boxes of mandarin that you gave.

Last time ; 
GoodBye, Hubby !

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