Thursday, December 30, 2010

Delay Update

Okay, let's start the story.


Today, we went to Genting for this ABBA concert, sang by the ARRIVAL.
Before the concert, we shopping a little while at Diesel, bought a jeans.
Now, let the picture tell the story :)

took this on the way to Genting

this is a toy i saw at the shopping fair xD

the Arrival

me & my sis after the concert *ignore my ugly face >__<

went to SnowWorld

the end.


Went to Shabu-Shabu for lunch. Then, had dessert at SweetHut.
Not bad. Pictures again.

Coconut jelly, coconut pudding & coconut milk
these are mini-eggtarts. they're free :)

the end.


Went to Boston restaurant to have our dinner. Yum Yum !

the food was superb !

After dinner, went to 100yen shop to buy some things.
Then, aunt ask us whether want to yamcha, so all agree.
We went to Riverside Lake for drinks & shisha ^___^

i'm not satisfied cause i suck so hard but no smoke.
so, i still want to try it next time.
the end.


Went to SW, Lot10 & Fahrenheit88 today.
Super tired !

on the way.

at Vincci

in the toilet.

Uniqlo was simple but nicee.

this was tooken at Vincci.

it was a fun but tired day.
Thanks to my aunt for giving me such a wonderful holiday.

the end.

Nothing ,much to say, my babyy boy.

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