Saturday, November 20, 2010

Yeedlyn's Wedding ♥

Sorry for the late post.
My laptop doesn't work.
Let's start my story :)

YeEdlyn's Wedding ♥ : 06.11.10

Today is Lady's side dinner. Held it at Centro Klang.
My looks for the day :)

A make-up artist make-up for me. Wee!
Around 6.30pm, arrived the venue. The designer really did a good job at that place.
I was assigned to be the osher. So, i have to walk in & out. The heels are killing me x( .
Let the picture talk :)

the sweet couple

End of the 06.11.10.

YeEdlyn's wedding ♥ : 13.11.10

Today she is officially Mrs Chai. Many jimui & hengtai wore SuperHeroes shirt. Cutee!
this is the video links from Facebook :)

End of the 13.11.10.

YeEdlyn's Wedding ♥ : 14.11.10

Today, is Guy's side dinner. So, we went to the Mines for the lunch.

After lunch, went to S&J to buy lens case.
Spend money again.


Gonna start work at Super DC Heroes, The Mines.
Mind visit the store there?
Thanks :)

Baby, we start all over again.
Last Chance!
XoXo. ♥

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